Arab Strap - FUKD I.D. #2 - Digital Single (2000)
Original UK Release Date: 13th November, 2000. Entire Single Download With Cover Art - 2 Tracks (320K bit rate; 32.3MB)
Rocket, Take Your Turn
Arab Strap return to Chemikal Underground with this epic double dunter. Sold out of all physical formats but can still be downloaded to lucky MP3 players everywhere. Both tracks on this EP are of the fairly monumental variety with swirling drum beats whipping through Rocket, Take Your Turn and enormous swathes of guitar rolling all over Blackness - it was a welcome return from the Falkirk duo and it was clear from this EP that they hadn't ran out of ideas just yet...
Rocket, Take Your Turn can also be found on Arab Strap's swansong compilation, 10 Years Of Tears.