Aereogramme - White Paw - Digital Single (2001)
Entire Single Download With Cover Art - 4 Tracks (320K bit rate; 45MB)
Aereogramme's 4 track EP would be the main precursor to their debut album which followed one month later. Craig B, Aereogramme's main songwriter and vocalist recalls that the lead track, 'Zionist Timing', attracted the journalistic curiosity of The Jewish Chronicle...
Craig B: I got a call from one of their journalists, asking about the backstory to 'Zionist Timing'. I got the impression that they were expecting some pro-Israeli or, at the very least, anti-Palestinian musings - neither of which they were going to get from me. The fact is, I got the title from the 1999 Darwin Awards which considered the story of some fatal confusion surrounding the switch from Daylight Savings Time to Standard Time. Apparently Israel had insisted on a switching times two weeks early to accommodate a week of prayers and the Palestinians had refused to live by this "Zionist Time". As it turned out, two suicide bombers were blown up in their cars as they transported devices which had been set using Daylight SavingsTime. Unfortunately for them, the bombers had already switched to Standard Time and had neglected to ask whose watch had been used to set the timing devices...
Pointless Piece Of Trivia: The White Paw EP was so named because Craig B had promised his girlfriend he would buy her a cat with a white paw once he became famous. It's an eternal shame that Craig never quite felt justified in buying a cat....